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Silica dust is a hazardous substance that is generated through numerous work methods and can be dangerous to those working around it. As such, it’s absolutely crucial that anyone with a reasonable risk of being exposed to this substance has the necessary understanding to recognise it, avoid it whenever possible and mitigate any dangers. The professionals at Intelligent Training Solutions in Victoria provide this guide outlining why it’s essential to attend a silica safety course. With over 20 years of experience in the industry, we can provide excellent, thorough training for any situation. If you have any questions, or you’re ready to get started, get in touch with us!

silica course

Ensuring Workplace Safety

A silica course provides participants with an understanding of how to recognise potential exposure sources, how to mitigate or even potentially eliminate chances of exposure and the legal requirements for both you and your workplace when it comes to dealing with silica. These courses are taught be experienced professionals, who have the expertise necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of silica and how to impart that knowledge through to the participants of the course in question.

Enhanced Reputation and Morale

Any employees or contractors who have a reasonable risk of encountering silica dust should have undertaken an appropriate silica course. Ensuring this will promote a sense of safety and professionalism, showing that the workplace in question places a high value on safety. This, in turn, improves the overall reputation of the employer and gives any employees or contractors reassurance that the workplace is looking out for them.

A Necessary Skillset

Certification demonstrating an understanding of how silica dust can affect workers, and how to work in environments that may contain silica, is an in-demand skill in workplaces and industries across Victoria. As well as keeping you safe, it shows prospective employers that you already have the skills and understanding necessary to keep yourself and other workers safe.

Intelligent Training Solutions is the premier provider of silica courses in Victoria. Contact us online, or give our team a call on 1300 585 866 to enrol today.