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First aid courses in Melbourne are valuable to people in many different fields. You can never be too safe, and the best first aid and CPR courses cover all the basics you need to know to take care of others in an urgent or emergency situation. As a leading registered training organisation in Victoria, Intelligent Training Solutions offers several first aid training options to build confidence in caring for others and saving lives. Keep reading to learn more about our first aid courses and how they can make a positive difference.

First Aid Training

Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Time is everything when someone loses consciousness and is not breathing. Bystander CPR before an ambulance arrives results in a higher survival rate than waiting for first responders. It’s important for all adults to know CPR in case they ever find themselves in an urgent situation, whether it be at work, at home or out in public. An annual CPR refresher is particularly important for organisations that work with kids or vulnerable adults. Staying up-to-date on first aid CPR training will give employees greater confidence that they can save lives in the event of a serious incident.

Asthma Risk Management

Professional asthma training teaches people how to save lives by managing asthma risks and emergencies in the workplace. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 11% of Australians have asthma. That’s approximately 2.7 million people who are at risk of an asthma attack, which occurs when the airways become inflamed and swollen, leading to breathing difficulties. Inhaler administration can mean the difference between emergency prevention and serious, even life-threatening asthma attacks. That’s why asthma-related first aid interventions are important in the workplace, particularly in the education sector.

Anaphylaxis First Aid

First aid training in Melbourne can also build confidence in saving lives during an anaphylaxis attack. In case of a severe allergic reaction, immediate first aid response is crucial, and children’s service workers in particular should know how to recognise a life-threatening anaphylaxis attack and administer adrenaline through an auto-injector. Schools, childcare centres and other educational facilities are safer and stronger when workers are equipped with comprehensive first aid training that addresses the signs of an anaphylaxis attack and the key steps to saving someone’s life.

Sign Up for First Aid Training in Melbourne

First aid CPR training prepares you for the unexpected and, ultimately, helps save lives. Intelligent Training Solutions is proud to offer nationally accredited first aid and CPR courses to Victorians. Check out all our first aid courses in Melbourne and feel free to contact us online with any questions.