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Portal Access

Welcome to the ITS Portals Access Page. In order to gain access to our portal you will need to have been issued with a valid username and password. These details will have been sent to you via email. If you have not received these details please check the spam or junk email folder of your email account. Your username and password is case-sensitive and must be entered as it was given to you. Please click on an icon below to access your required server.

ITS Student Portal v2013.1 SugarCE
ITS Staff Portal ITS Student Management System

Please Remember

Pease remember to LOG OUT and CLOSE your Internet Browser once you have completed your session.

Important Web Browser Settings

This portal has been designed and developed to operate with Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 8 and higher. Although the ITS portals operate with other Internet Browsers, ITS is currently unable to provide support, service or advise for these products

Reset Browser Cache

We recommend that you 'flush' or 'refresh' your browser and clear you cache the first time you log in. This will minimise the number of display errors resulting from old cached copies of pages. To refresh, press

  • Ctrl + R or Ctrl + F5 (PC)
  • Cmd + R (Mac)

Reset Browser Cookies

We recommend that you clear or delete your browsers cookies on a weekly basis. Click here the "Portal Security Settings" link found on the left hand side menu bar at the top of this page for additional information.